Swan Hill Hotels & Motels
Swan Hill - Victoria
Comfort Inn Lady Augusta - The accommodation provided by the Comfort Inn Lady Augusta comes in the form of budget hotel style rooms and is perfectly located just minutes from the Murray River and close to all of the major tourist attractions in town. When you stay at the Comfort Inn Lady Augusta in Swan Hill you can visit the historic Pioneer Settlement Museum and the Flying Boat Museum. Not only is the Comfort Inn Lady Augusta a great place to stay in Swan Hill but it also has lots of great facilities including conference centre, direct internet access, guest laundry, sauna, spa and outdoor swimming pool. Recreational activities in the surrounding area include golfing, water skiing, fishing, tennis and miniature golfing. Whatever your reason for seeking Swan Hill accommodation the Comfort Inn Lady Augusta offers unbeatable service, friendly hospitality and comfortable rooms.
Nearby Attractions : The Comfort Inn Lady Augusta is conveniently located within easy walking distance to the Pioneer Settlement and Museum, Paddeboat cruise, Murray Downs golf course, Flying Boat Museum, pheasant farm & aviaries and various local wineries.
Swan Hill Location : 375 Campbell Street, Swan Hill, 3585, Victoria
More Information : Comfort Inn Lady Augusta Rates